The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
So today's ride started out somewhat uneventfully. I went to Freezethaw to pick up a new tube and a map, because mine wear out so fast. Looked at all the bling Niner & Salsa frames/bikes/parts I want. Then I hit the road for a cross ride. It was a nice day and I was an astronaut on the way out to Bear Meadows, with no clue what was going on...just enjoying what is probably one of the last nice days of the year here in State College. Riding up Bear Meadows Rd I came across this fellow, who was quite reluctant to move off the warm pavement:
A runner grabbed a stick from the woods and I used it to pick this guy up and place him off to the side. Once I got him moving he seemed happy to get the hell out of there on his own.
After that I was just enjoying the sunny weather and gravel, when I heard a *ding* and noticed I was having a little bit of trouble pedaling. Hopped off to find that there was something wrong.
No big deal...just ripped it out and kept on my way. This while my left brake lever had worked itself loose wrecking in the woods the other night, so I was relying solely on my rear brake, as well. Nice day, no biggie.
Then I'm cranking along up Detweiler Run Rd, and happen upon a furry fellow climbing a tree. He didn't have much to say, so I kept on climbing.
About a hundred yards further, and I felt a pop in my right knee. Got off the bike, felt around, and tried to hop back on. Bad move. It made tearing my MCL during a football game in high school feel like a pin prick.
So I call my roommates, and finally Whitey picks up. I explain the situation and he grabs Ty. I told them where I was and started coasting back down to Bear Meadows Rd.
Trying not to rely on the brakes, I start flying down the road. Pass over the pipeline and, 'Holy Sh*t.' Came about six inches from running over a scary little creature. He/she wasn't to pleased when I came back to check them out and push my luck:

*Note: For some reason the video won't load. Since this encounter it has dawned on me that snakes can't hear my whistling. It's just a natural reaction for me to provoke things by whistling. Ask my classmates...
After that I was just enjoying the sunny weather and gravel, when I heard a *ding* and noticed I was having a little bit of trouble pedaling. Hopped off to find that there was something wrong.
No big deal...just ripped it out and kept on my way. This while my left brake lever had worked itself loose wrecking in the woods the other night, so I was relying solely on my rear brake, as well. Nice day, no biggie.
About a hundred yards further, and I felt a pop in my right knee. Got off the bike, felt around, and tried to hop back on. Bad move. It made tearing my MCL during a football game in high school feel like a pin prick.
So I call my roommates, and finally Whitey picks up. I explain the situation and he grabs Ty. I told them where I was and started coasting back down to Bear Meadows Rd.
Trying not to rely on the brakes, I start flying down the road. Pass over the pipeline and, 'Holy Sh*t.' Came about six inches from running over a scary little creature. He/she wasn't to pleased when I came back to check them out and push my luck:
*Note: For some reason the video won't load. Since this encounter it has dawned on me that snakes can't hear my whistling. It's just a natural reaction for me to provoke things by whistling. Ask my classmates...