notes from the weekend and beyond

So this weekend teams from the ECCC piled into Rothrock State Forest, specifically Penn Roosevelt State Park 4H camp, for the Rocky Horror Pedal Show. Everything went very smooth and the course was awesome. Great photos here. Abe's monkey knows karate, and it chops through the forest, getting him around to take some incredible shots.

A butterfly was after my beer, I think. That was awesome.

I wasn't awesome. I did OK in the TT, but decided to lend my truck out Sunday morning before the XC, whilst forgetting to grab my Sidis from the cab. Didn't do the XC, so I rode around helping out and getting a flat tire on Beidelheimer Road. Oh, you don't know where that is? Neither does anyone else.

Changed that, got back to the 4H camp, and helped Justin and Rich pack up our respective vehicles to levels not intended in the design before we caravaned back to State College.

State College means schoolwork, which isn't an easy transition from camping in the woods with no form of communication all weekend. So this week is pretty busy and hence the lackluster performance of this post.

One note worth mentioning: The mustache is about 3 minutes away from getting shaved, so here's a final tribute. It may come back in the late winter months; we'll see.

Oh yea, and it is fall now...I'll be out in it as soon as I can get my bicycle back...


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